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- 2022.01.26
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- 2022.01.26
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Information on the desired course and course registration for the first semester of 2022
We inform you of the desired course description and course application for the first semester of 2022 as follows. Please complete the application within the course registration period for smooth academic management.
1. Course registration schedule
구 분 | 기 간 | 대 상 | |
희망과목담기 | 2022. 2. 3.(목) 10:00 ~ 2. 4.(금) 낮 12:00 | 대학원과정 재학생(복학예정자, 타대학원생 포함) ※ 신입생 제외 | |
수강 신청 | 1차 | 2022. 2. 9.(수) 08:00 ~ 2. 11.(금) 18:00 | 대학원과정 재학생(복학예정자, 타대학원생 포함) |
신입생 | 2022. 2. 14.(월) 10:00 ~ 2. 15.(화) 18:00 | 신입생 | |
2차 | 2022. 2. 16.(수) 10:00 ~ 2. 17.(목) 17:00 | 대학원과정 재학생(복학예정자, 타대학원생 포함) |
2. How to : WEB방식(학생지원시스템-로그인-수업-수강신청및확인-정규학기희망과목담기 또는 수강신청)
3. Precautions
가. Students must check the results of the course registration in the course confirmation menu (student support system → login → class → class registration and confirmation → class confirmation) so that they are not disadvantaged by omission or error of the subject.(학생지원시스템 → 로그인 → 수업 → 수강신청및확인 → 수강확인)
나. Even if you have completed the desired course and the purpose, you must actually register for the course during the course registration period, and you cannot register for a course with overlapping timetable when registering for the course.
다. If you wish to take other major courses, you must submit an application for recognition of major in graduate school (attached Korean form).
붙임 1. 2022학년도 1학기 대학원과정 희망과목담기 및 수강신청 안내문 (PDF)
2. 2022학년도 1학기 대학원과정 개설강좌일람표 (EXCEL)
3. 대학원 타전공교과목 전공인정 신청서(서식) (HWP)